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Nuclear Power Plants Emergency Classification Levels

Emergency Classification Levels
Preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants includes a system for notifying the public if a problem occurs at a plant. The emergency classification level of the problem is defined by these four categories:
Unusual Event  An off-normal incident or condition at the plant for which no significant degradation of safety has occurred or is expected. Any releases of radioactive material which may have occurred or are expected to occur are minor and constitute no appreciable health hazard. An unusual event is a minor incident, often non-nuclear, such as a plant worker injury or severe weather. No public action is required.
Alert An event that involves an actual or potential substantial degradation of safety, combined with a potential for limited uncontrolled releases of radioactivity from the plant. This is still a relatively minor incident, and no public action is required.
Site Area EmergencyAn event that involves actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for protection of the public, combined with a potential for significant uncontrolled releases of radioactivity. Sirens within the 10-mile emergency planning zone around the plant would sound, alerting the public to tune to local radio and television stations for official information. Non-essential plant personnel would evacuate. This category involves a serious incident, such as a reactor coolant leak or fire in a safety system.
General EmergencyAn event involving actual or imminent substantial core degradation and potential loss of containment integrity combined with a likelihood of significant uncontrolled releases of radioactivity. This is the most severe emergency. Sirens within the 10-mile zone would sound, alerting people to tune to local radio and television stations for official information. Some public protection measures would be likely.

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