This section identifies the pages visitors were on when they left the site. These percentages refer to the total number of visits that started with a valid Document Type. If the session started on a document with a different type (such as a graphic or sound file), the file is not counted as an Exit Page, and the session is not counted in the total. Such sessions are often the product of other sites referencing a specific downloadable file or graphic for example on the site. In such cases, a session may have a single hit to a non-document type file, and will not be counted for the percentage calculations.
Use this statistic to determine your visitors' satisfaction with their visits. Visitors may have left this page once they found what they were looking for, or they have lost interest or determined the content didn't apply, or for many other reasons. For example, if your top exit page is your home page, this may be an indication that you need a better approach.