North Florida Amateur Radio Emergency Services® (ARES) Resources 

North Florida ARES Activation STATUS


North Florida Section ARRL


SE USA Sections ARRL

North Florida Amateur Radio  Emergency Services NET's

Alachua County Nets

  • Alachua County ARES Net meets every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. on 146.820 (-), pl tone 123.0 Hz. For more information, contact Jeff Capehart W4UFL. Emergency Coordinator, Alachua ARES, email
  • 3970 kHz NVIS Net (LSB) -- see Reid Tillery,K9RFT 1st and 3rd Fridays

North Florida Nets 

  • Northern Florida ARES Net (NFAN):
    9:00 AM Eastern time Monday through Saturday 3.950 MHz, alternate frequencies are 7.242 MHz and 7.247 MHz,
  • Northern Florida Phone Net (NFPN):
    Daily at 7:30 PM Eastern time on 3.950 MHz; alternate frequencies are 7.242 MHz and 7.247 MHz.
  • Florida Phone Traffic Net (FPTN):
    Daily at 7:00 a.m.  on 3.940 MHz.  Net Manager is Helen Straughn WC4FSU in Ormond Beach.
    The FPTN is a combined-section net that maintains daily liaison with the National Traffic System, handles formal written traffic and trains for emergencies.
  • North Florida Digital Net  Sunday at 7:00 p.m. local time, 3.590 MHz USB, PSK31.  Net control is Don Pace KK4SIH.
  • Florida Winlink Net W4AKH  Winlink Check-ins All week, Report on Tuesday's by Noon

WinLink Check-in format
SUBJECT LINE: FL WL NET, first name, city, 2 letter State abbreviation, Mode (VARA , ARDOP, any etc..) ,P2P (if p2p), optional RMS station and path

Hurricane Nets

  • WX4NHC - Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center
  • Hurricane Watch Net 14.325 MHz, 7.268 MHz -- Activated whenever a hurricane is within 300 nautical miles of expected landfall. Disseminates storm information and relays meteorological data to National Hurricane Center via embedded NHC station WX4NHC. Also relays post-storm damage reports and other relevant information.
  • VOIP Hurricane Net

North Florida Government and Emergency Management Web Sites


Incident Command System (ICS) FEMA ICS Resouce Center

Is a standardized management tool for meeting the demands of small or large emergency or non-emergency situations. Represents "best practices" and has become the standard for emergency management across the country. May be used for planned events, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism. Is a key feature of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

ARES Related FEMA Incident Command Training 

IS-100.B: Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100

IS-200.B: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents 

IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction

  FEMA’s Independent Study Program

The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers self-paced courses designed for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public. All are offered free-of-charge to those who qualify for enrollment. To get a complete listing of courses, click here.


    The Field Operations Guides (FOG) are technical reference resources for emergency communications planning and for radio technicians responsible for radios that will be used in emergency responses. 

  • Ready Responder:  Do you have a Plan?

    • Build an emergency supply kit.

    • Make a family emergency plan.

    • Be informed about the types of emergencies that you may be called upon to respond to, and teach your family about what they should do when a disaster strikes.

    • Prepare for any special considerations like individuals with access or functional needs, older adults, children, ands pets.

Quickly Identify Hazardous Materials Emergency Procedures

PHMSA's 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook provides first responders with a go-to manual to help deal with hazmat transportation accidents during the critical first 30 minutes.